Welcome to American Township
Contact Township Office
102 Pioneer Road
Elida, Ohio 45807
Twp. House: 419 331 8651
Fire Dept.: 419-339-3921
Police: 419-331-6788
Ext. 1701 to leave message​
Mon-Fri: 8a to 12p
Sat-Sun-Holidays: CLOSED
See Zoning Tab for Zoning Hours
Paul Basinger: paul.basinger@hotmail.com
Lynn Mohler: Lynndon60@gmail.com
Ross Harmon: rharmon@atfd2007.com
Brady Overholt: boverholt@atfd2007.com
Cory Osting: amtwprdsuper@woh.rr.com
Mark Bishop: mbishop@atfd2007.com
Departments Links
Here in American Township there is much to do. There are places to go, people to meet, jobs to complete, and memories to be made.
Click below to be directed to our collection of recreation, schools, community contacts, history, demographics, boundaries, and calendar events.
Forms Quick Link
If getting zoning applications, Township Hall rental, or a cemetery plot purchase is your reason for visiting our website, then browse the Forms tab above.
Applications for driveways, right-of-way, and roadcuts are in the road crew tab.