American Township Cemeteries
American Township maintains four cemeteries.
Greenlawn Cemetery — Dutch Hollow Rd.
Wesley Chapel Cemetery — Cole St.
Union Cemetery — Bluelick Rd.
Allentown Cemetery — Van Buren St.
If you are in search of a grave for a friend or loved one please contact the cemetery sexton at 419-331-8651 or 567-201-1930
Cemetery Prices
All Lot Prices: $800.00
Opening/Closing: $800.00
Weekends And Holidays: $1000.00
Baby Opening/Closing: $400.00
Weekends And Holidays: $600.00
Cremations Opening/Closing: $300.00
Weekends And Holidays: $500.00
Arrival after 2:00 pm - $200.00 per hour
Foundations/With 3" Trim: $25.00/Cubic Foot
All checks to be made payable to the American Township Trustees. If you have any questions please feel free to call Cory Osting at 419-331-8651 or 567-201-1930
For Indigent burials the township provides the plot and $1000.00 to the Funeral Home. Burials will be held Monday through Thursday only and arrival time no later than 1pm. The deceased must be a resident of the American Township.
Road Superintendent and Cemetery Sexton
Cory Osting​
Township House 419-331-8651
​Cell 567-201-1930
Weekend Arrival Times at Cemeteries
Saturday — No later than 1:00pm(An additional $100.00 per hour for each hour after 1:00pm)
Sunday — No later than 2:00pm(An additional $100.00 per hour for each hour after 2:00pm)
Cemetery Requirements
Artifical flowers, vases, plants and all other items of any type must be taken off by the end of July 4th weekend and remain off the ground between the months of July, August and September. Grave blankets will be taken off no sooner than March 1st. Please do not put Grave blankets on newly seeded Graves. Flowers in vases on tombstone or flowers on top of tombstone will be permitted. No planting of bushes or shrubs of any kind. No glass jars. No Bench Monuments. American Township sexton or grounds keepers are not responsible for any damage to tombstones, foundations, vases or other decorations left on the cemetery grounds. If requirements are not met, the Superintendent of the Cemeteries has the right to dispose of the planting. No more than four Cremations per lot. Minimum Foundation size 30x18.